Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sweet Summer time...

So yesterday we went with some of our good friends (some missing of course) to see the Redbirds. We were going to take Savannah with us until my parents kept telling me she will be too much work yada yada. So we gave in and left her. Paige and Matt had Carter so I still had a baby to keep me company so it was fun. Well we met them at the front gate. My goal that night was to eat everything LOL. I figured this is my last pregnancy so I am going to live it up. YES IT IS MY LAST...NO BOY! I have only gained about 4 pounds and little _ _ _ _ _ _ is about 1lb 2 oz of that so I get a credit for one pound. I'll get to her latest doctor appointment soon. Back to the game... The Redbirds lost but the fireworks made up for it. They were actually really good. I was surprised. Matt, Paige and Carter missed them because they left a little early. They were loud and I could tell the baby could hear them because she was kicking like crazy. So we left after the game because we are old and I am pregnant so Beale Street was not in the cards for me. Mom and Dad kept Savannah so we got to go home and relax.

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I was supposedly 23 weeks but I think that is a little ahead. Anywho, that was what my ultrasound picture said. Let me just tell you ..I LOVE MY ULTRASOUND TECH. She is also pregnant and young so she is a lot of fun. She explains every little detail! So I had to go back so they could check her heart  because they couldn't see it last time.  This time they could and she was great , no problems. I asked how big she was and she said 1 lb 2 oz. I asked if that was normal and she said 22%. I was thinking she is small but then I remembered I am a few days more so I think she is about average. They sent me to the exam room and handed me my lovely orange glucola beverage for the next visit. So I waited for another freaking hour to see my doctor. I think there was an emergency at the hospital. It really makes me mad but then after the fact I think if that was me I would want my doctor to be there. So he comes in and says everything looks great. I LOVE HIM TOO. He tells me I am perfect every visit. What a great man:) I asked about her size compared to Savannahs. Well he had her stats right there too so that was pretty cool. Savannah was 11 oz at 18 weeks 4 days and Baby H was 9 oz at 19 weeks 4 days so she is growing a tish smaller but she would be average. He told me he didn't want her to get to 9lbs. He says complications occur and I believe it because Savannah was almost 9 and she got stuck and they called the NICU and such. So he will keep an eye on me since Savannah didn't seem like she was going to be 8.14. He doesn't know where I hid her because I wasn't big he said. Well I told him I want him to schedule me for 11-11-11 LOL. We can't schedule till 34 weeks so I am still hoping. It would  give me more sick days to run into the last week before Christmas. Oh let me explain...teachers have to use sick days for pay on maternity leave. Since I just had Savannah I don't have many saved up. We didn't expect this baby so soon. I go back August 2nd for my glucola test so that will be SOOOO fun. After that he sees me every two weeks. I was like really that seems early. But hey if he tells me I am perfect I could stand to hear that every two weeks. I guess I am closer than I think. She have me a picture of the baby but I will post that on facebook later. 

Now the not so sweet summer time part...We go back to school in two weeks. I had to move rooms this year so I have all my stuff packed up. What really stinks is that I am pregnant and have to set everything back up. We still haven't got an email about when we can get in. I want to get in and get it done so I can enjoy the last week of summer. Tomorrow is my birthday so I was hoping to not go in but it looks like I will if the building is open. My mom can't watch Savannah at all next week so I need to get it done this week. I think Savannah will start back to daycare next week though to get her used to it and me too.

Well I guess I need to pick up my princess.  I was typing fast so excuse my grammar :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sweet Daughters and Beach Days

Well much to everyone's surprise but not mine we are having another little girl. I am very excited that Savannah Grace will have a sister to play with. I guess what makes it great is that they will only be 19 months apart so they will always have each other.  Everyone asks, are you going to try for a boy? Are you freaking kidding me? H to the e to the double L, NO! I love my two daughters and a boy was just not in the cards for me and I am completely fine with that. We don't have a big enough house for more kids let alone a big enough bank account. Anywho....we have picked out a name but aren't quite sharing yet with everyone. We will let everyone know soon.

Shortly after we found what the baby was we headed to the beach. My parents, Savannah and I all went to the beach for 4 nights. It was so much fun. Here are a few pictures:

 We call this "The Super Model"

 Mommy and Me Toes

 Bye Bye!

Loves the Beach

She LOVED these fish. We counted them every day more than once!