Saturday, June 4, 2011

2 Babies under 2

I am excited that we are expecting number 2 in November. I am also very nervous about it because I will have two kids under the age of 2. We will find out what the baby is after June 15th. One of my best friends is making us our reveal cake. I am glad that she will know what we are having before we do...well as long as she doesn't squeal before:) We go to the doctor on the 15th which is my dad's birthday so it was kind of special. We are using this cake as his birthday cake. He will get to cut the cake. Everyone asks what we want and I have the same answer every time. I just want a healthy baby. We have it kind of good right now. If we get a boy that would be great because Brian would have a little buddy and we have two girls already. If we get a girl then we have some girl things we can use and some clothes MAY overlap. It is a win win for us in my opinion. We have some names picked out but I surely don't want to announce that yet. So..... see you around the 17th with the answer.

My Fish...

I can't believe how quickly the summer has come this year. I am not complaining by any means because I am so excited to spend it at home.  Savannah Grace has already started swimming in the pool. She is a fish! I am not kidding you either. If she could live in a pool she would. She jumps from the side, sticks her head in the water and goes all the way under. I am not sure how I will survive the summer with a fish. I am looking into getting her swim lessons. Well the rescue swimming for babies. It is like 10 minutes a day for 6 weeks so I need to sign up when we get back from the beach. Here are some pictures of Savannah.