Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My poor little buggy!!

So Savannah Grace has been sick on and off for about a week. She got croup somehow and is now on meds and she is much better!! She has been with my mom all week and tomorrow won't be any different. I hate when my baby doesn't feel good. This is the second time she has been remotely sick and I don't like it. She has been up every night at least 2 times for about a week. Brian and I are very tired. I started back after Spring Break to work and adjusting to waking up early is horrible. Savannah usually sleeps in now since she gets up a few times because she can't breathe. Hopefully we are on the way to getting better.

On a good note I have sent out Savannah's invitations and am excited for her party next month. I can't believe she will be one! Time flies so fast! We are having a Minnie Mouse party since she LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I wanted to do giraffe but I want to do something she will love. She will show everyone her hot dog dance for sure. Her Auntie Morgan will be making her cake so it will be SO good!

Oh we got to talk to Jeff last weekend in Germany. We actually Skyped him so we could see him. It was great to see his apartment. He gave us a tour with the computer. I also loved when Savannah could see him on the TV. She loved it and kept smiling at him. I think she really like it because we put him on the big screen so it was like interactive Baby Einstein!

Friday, March 4, 2011

TEETH!! whooo hooo

Well we finally got our first teeth. We didn't get one tooth but we got two! They came out of nowhere and she wasn't cranky. She slept great all week before she got them. Oh she got them on Feb. 19th. I was feeding her breakfast and as I normally do I imagined I saw something poking out of her gums. As you can see I REALLY wanted her to have teeth. My mom, Brian and I had all dreamed she had teeth. Well this time I decided to watch her eat a little more and sure enough they were just popping through the gums. You would have thought I was pregnant and calling everyone I knew by how fast I jumped on the phone with everyone. I HAD to tell everyone about her teeth. She was 10 months and I was freaking out because she had not teeth but at 10 months and 5 days she got them. So now we are not worried about when we get our other teeth. She has at least two so I am satisfied. 

Savannah isn't walking yet but she can cruise along furniture like a champ. If you have a cell phone or remote she is like a dog looking for people food, she will be there in an instant. She also is a very fast crawler so I am thinking she doesn't feel the need to walk. I wouldn't mind if she took the time.

I am on spring break in one week. It can't come soon enough. I can't wait to spend time with her and hang out at the zoo. We have the zoo passes and we have already been twice this year. She LOVES going anywhere in her stroller. So I can foresee Paige and Carter (my friend and her son 2 months younger than savannah) spending time at the zoo all summer. I am hoping before it gets to hot! 

I don't think there is much else going on with us. I am sick of the SCS and MCS merger issue. I am also not happy about the recent teacher righst that Nashville is trying to banish. I won't bore you with that though. Savannah is down and out tonight because she didn't nap at all today!! She is going to be a character. I don't see her being shy with anyone. She loves to smile, laugh and play all the time. Anywho, I am tired so I am fixing to hit the hay too!!