Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Death 2010!

Well Thursday night we were expecting a Winter Storm that evening. They were canceling districts Friday morning and most were waiting because nothing had happened yet. If you don't live in Memphis or the south for that matter you don't understand what snow and ice does to our city. It is like 3 feet of snow to folks up North. Anywho, I woke at 4:45am Friday as usual since I am pregnant. So there was nothing on the ground and I thought we might have school. Well about 15 minutes later they canceled Shelby County Schools and like every school and daycare followed. So I am awake at 5 am and want some Chik-fil-a. At this point there is NOTHING on the ground. I try and go back to sleep till about 6:30 when they opened. So I wake up and inform Brian that everything is closed and I am going to get a chicken biscuit. Well he said he would go get it. (He takes good care of me and Savannah). So I enjoyed a snow day and my chicken biscuit.

So Friday afternoon Brian comes home a little early before the streets get too bad. It mainly was ice and sleet and maybe a little bit of snow. We decide to get to the grocery store incase we can't get out Saturday. It was the best grocery trip because no one was there and we got in and out! It was great! We settled in watching a movie and eating dinner. It was about 9:50pm when I checked my email and thought I was going to cry. They had closed the 4d ultrasound place Saturday so we couldn't get our ultrasound of Savannah. I was not happy at all!! It was the one thing I have been looking forward to all week! Well I put my computer down and go into the bathroom and guess what?? The power goes out!! LOL! So we have the fire going and no lights. We get flashlights and decide to get into bed before it gets cold. We called my parents to see if they had power. They wanted us to come over since they had power but we were going to try and stick it out. If it go to cold then we would come over and sleep there. We had one sheet, two down comforters, regular comforter, a quilt and a fleece blanket on the bed. We got into bed with our flashlights. Those covers were very heavy but kept us warm. We played shadow puppets on the ceiling for a while since we weren't tired. Then we decided to go to sleep. We woke up at 3:15am when the power came back on since the tv was loud and the lights were bright. We didn't get cold at all with those covers on us. So we took some of them off and went back to sleep.

We woke up at about 6:30am and got up since we were awake. Brian wanted to take some pictures so we went outside and I followed in my blanket and PJ's. Then we walked down the street and looked at some trees down. Our lovely Bradford Pear lived through Winter Death 2010. It was mighty sad looking but it made it! We would have preferred it to split but it had made it through many storms. So then Brian wanted to see how the roads were around Collierville. I decided we could get some donuts! That would be the pregnancy talking. The roads weren't too bad but you still needed to use caution. After going to 3 stores with no luck on donuts we decided to hit up the new Dunkin Donuts in Germantown. We took a few pictures on the way home and then enjoyed our  donuts at home!

Lastly, we rescheduled Savannah's appointment for Wed. I have to take a half day and I tried to avoid that to begin with but I really want her pictures for her baby book. I even started designing her baby book today!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heinz the Puppy!

So on Wednesday I was reading a story on WREG about the Tunica Human Society. The temperature was going to be extremely cold and all the animals stay outside in cages. So I asked Brian if we could foster a dog till it warmed up on Monday. So Brian went to pick us out a dog for the weekend. We ended up with one puppy from a litter of 5. He named him Heinz because he was such a mix. Well Heinz ended up being a really good puppy. We just don't have the time with the baby coming and us both working to give him the attention that he needs. So Brian brought him back yesterday. We are hoping he gets adopted soon because he is a great puppy! We were happy to help out though!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Holidays

The holidays are finally over and we are getting back into a routine again. We had a great first Christmas in the house this year. We packed up Christmas and now are ready for the next big event. Savannah Grace will be here before we know it. Here are a few pictures of the holidays! 

Skyler's HUGE Princess Blanket!!

 Skyler LOVED her horse!!

Daddy's New Chair !!!

                                                  Ivey doesn't want you to take her Chewy!

                                          Christmas at the Brubaker's!! WOW Skyler said!